


Sunday, December 14, 2003

The semester is over! Yayyaytripleyay! My grades aren't in yet but I'm pretty sure I got an A in everything but Espanol. You know how it is. Whew! Now one more semester to go. I'm pretty friggin proud of myself.
spacebot - 8:37 PM

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Sean and I got a gamecube the other day. Now that he has a babysitter, I have more time to study. Why didn't I think of that before?

The semester is almost over. If I get through this, I can do anything. 19 friggin' credits. Didn't I say the same thing during the summer session?

spacebot - 9:26 PM

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Well, according to my last post, no one reads this damn thing. I didn't get any emails telling me you do. Although, my domain name did expire, so I didn't receive email for about 3 days while I paid my dues and updated my info. Good thing I took care of that.

I hate peer groups for the editing of papers. The three other people in my group brought barely legible "drafts" of their paper and expected me to comment on them... and then when I asked for constructive criticism on my WELL POLISHED draft, all I got was "I liked it!" and "maybe instead of using the word ocean, you could use a synonym". Uhhh... yeah. See, I can do much better bysimply taking the advice I received from my professor during our required 15 minute conference. He actually had things to say. I hate people. I don't even know how to begin criticism on their work, which appears to have been written by a middle school kid. Okay. Enough on that.

I also hate people who think it's their duty to go around making other people feel bad about themselves for no reason. My boyfriend's "friend" is a complete asshole who talks down to him all day long (they work together). It makes him feel like shit and I hate watching him take it. The guy is condescending, rude, passive-aggressive and disrespectful. Sean is a wonderful person and I wish he had some nicer friends. Unfortunately, this guy is almost all he knows.

At work, I finished Alaska and Arizona and now I'm starting California. I guess Mr. Thruston didn't visit Arkansas.

I'm feeling a bit depressed lately. This semester is more than I can really handle, but I'm making myself do it anyway. I don't even have time for lunch.

spacebot - 11:42 AM

Thursday, September 11, 2003

I haven't updated this thing in forever for a few reasons. First of all, I'm busy as hell. Second of all, I'm not sure that anyone actually reads it anymore? The only person who mentioned my lack of updating was Laura. If you read this, shoot me an email and tell me!

I got an A in 4 out of 5 summer classes and a B in speech comm. (dumb cunt of a prof). So my cum. GPA at U of L is a little better than a 3.8 Not too bad. This semester (Fall) I'm taking 19 credits (!!) and working an internship at the Filson. Right now I'm working on cataloging a huge 19th century photo collection.

Sean and I are still doing wonderfully. He pretty much lives with me now and I love him very much. We went to the shore house in that tiny break in between the summer and fall semesters. It wasn't enough of a break, unfortunately. I also moved again recently (just a few blocks away). It was very stressful. Sean and I also got in a car wreck in August and my knee and mind are still pretty fucked up from it.

Okay... back to the books.

spacebot - 7:46 PM

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

My trip to Virginia was so great. I drove down with Elizabeth and we had great conversation the whole way. Sean, Josh (Sean's brother) and I camped out for 2 of the nights and went swimming in a lake on top of a mountain. We also walked a small part of the Appalachian Trail. There's this really nice creek behind Sean's parents' cabin and he and I walked across the rocks for a while and other fun stuff. I'm in love with the country lifestyle and I'm in love with Sean.

I took my final exam for math today and I'm pretty sure I did well. My final grade for that teaching phys ed class is in... got an A in that. My new classes started today and I could tell that the second part to this teaching math series is going to be even more annoying than the first one. My teaching art class doesn't start until 5pm so I'll update on how that goes. I hope that retarded speech professor curves the class.

I can't wait for another month and a half when summer classes are over... we're going to the shore for a week or so to relax before the Fall semester starts. I will definitely need it!
spacebot - 3:46 PM

Monday, June 30, 2003

My Sean just left for vacation and I won't see him until Thursday night (4 days) when I meet him in Virginia for a long weekend. I'm looking forward to it quite a bit and will need this little weekend road trip after finals week. Check out this cool new gadget I'm getting.

Classes are over soon... and then the next summer session starts like one day later. I'm like the friggin' energizer bunny. I already miss Sean. It's weird not having him here at night.
spacebot - 12:42 AM

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Wow... seems like you just never know who your friends are. I'd rather not go into details, but if you're curious, just ask me and I'll tell you. It involves a friendship of over 8 years, which should give you a clue if you read my weblog often.

Aside from that... my speech today in class went terrible. There goes my grade... and 4 hours went to waste writing the damn outline.

I hope I see Sean tonight. I can't think of anything more sure to brighten my mood.

I just found out the GRE (exam to get into grad school for those who don't know) costs over $100 each time you attempt to take it! I hope it's as easy as the SAT and I only have to take it once. I also hope that someone will buy it for me for my birthday since I'm unemployed and all.

Speaking of grad school, the two I have been considering are both Catholic schools. I hope they don't discriminate against people with very Jewish names. It'll probably be harder to get financial aid or a job as a graduate assistant.

I have so much work to do this week, it's unreal. I totally miscalculated... both math and speech are outta control. I should probably stop procrastinating.

spacebot - 5:15 PM

Monday, June 16, 2003

Soooooooo much work. I'm a mess! I can do it. I'm the little engine that could. I also think I'm starting to hallucinate.

mmmmm... water...

spacebot - 10:40 PM

Sunday, June 15, 2003

I have so much work to do for this stupid speech class. I wrote 10 lesson plans this weekend for my teaching phys ed class, and that didn't phase me at all because my professor isn't a bitch and lesson plans aren't busy work. On the contrary, the work for speech is pointless, as is the class itself. I hate gen ed crap.

On a brighter note, Sean and I used the sauna today until we were dripping sweat, then jumped in the pool. I know it sounds gross, but it gets cleaned daily and no one else was there. It was nice.

Three weeks left in the first summer session. That's all.
spacebot - 11:13 PM

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

I love math class. I hate speech class. Who woulda known?

Man, I have gotten nothing accomplished tonight. I'm procrastinating like all hell and I can't do that if I want to use my time wisely. This semester is flying!

Sean cooked me dinner last night. He's sweet as apple pie.

spacebot - 12:47 PM

Friday, May 23, 2003

I just had an amazing week. Sean and I took a road trip to Philly and camped out in "West ia" on the way. We also spent time at the shore and took a long bike ride on the boardwalk. I saw Carey and Bo, RoryJ, Beth, Jody and Jennie and got to catch up with Weezie for a bit. It was a nice time mostly because I got to spend much QT with Sean. We both like sheep so we have a lot in common.

I also found out that I landed an internship with the Filson Historical Society starting in the Fall. That is very exciting! :)

spacebot - 9:15 PM

Saturday, May 17, 2003

Looks like I gots me a good ol' country boy. Sean and I have been spending a lot of time together. Tomorrow we're driving out to Philly, which should be lots of fun, since it'll be my last week to hang out before classes start again. Double date with Carey and Bo! Ethiopian food with RoryJ! I hope the double summer session isn't too intensive for me to handle. I quit my job, so it should be okay. Sean is probably going to be taking my place at BGN.

Life's pretty good right now so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
spacebot - 4:52 PM

Friday, May 09, 2003

Classes are officially over and I made Dean's List. Yay. What's even cooler is that I have had a few days off IN A ROW! Wow... you have no idea how much one can appreciate a simple pleasure such as that after not having it for so long. I mean, holy shit I feel good!

So yesterday, I cut out of work at 1pm to hang out with Sean. We got very much intoxicated all goddamn day. So intoxicated that we made a tape of us talking about this "great idea" we had. At some point we watched Drugstore Cowboy. Then we went to Ramsi's and then crashed at his place. In the morning, we got coffee at Heine Bros. and then drove out to Prospect to look at pretty scenery. I very much enjoyed our 28.5 hour long date. :) Then this evening, Josh and I got food over at 3rd Ave. Cafe and sat outside. It started to rain. Heavily. We finished our food and walked home in the thunderstorm, then watched the movie Heathers.

Tomorrow Casey will be here. I think that we're going to hit the amusement park and I think that Oscar and Eli are going to come along, too (but unfortunately Sean has to work). It should be lots of fun.

These few days are making me so happy. I should have days off more often!

spacebot - 2:16 AM

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

So, today I plan to finish putting together that extremely heavy 3 inch binder my music prof refers to as a "notebook", including writing the table of contents and forward. Then I will write up a page or two to distribute for next week's presentation and I will be done with homework, I mean homeFUN, for the semester.

I had my private drawing critique with the professor yesterday and he said that I exceeded his expectations and as far as what he considers to be a sucessful final portfolio, I have it. That felt good. :) But he also said that my drawings need more flow... that I tend to work geometrically, kinda like late Picasso. So that's something to work on. Especially with figures.

I'm going to miss Michael and Scott most (drawing and sculpture profs). I'll have Scott again in the Fall for the upper level sculpture class, but I may never run into Michael again, unless he calls me over the summer. I hope so. He's super rad.

So, I fell asleep on this ledge at school and when I woke up there was a beautiful caterpillar crawling on my belly. He had this amazing pattern and blue stripes so I carried him around with me for a while and took him to sculpture class. I thought he was the prettiest and most unique caterpillar EVER. Then I let him go by a tree. A few hours later I sat down on a ledge to do some homework and then I noticed 3 of the EXACT same types of caterpillars crawling on me! Then I looked around, and the entire campus was INFESTED with them! I ran into Michael and we were talking for a bit, and then I saw one crawling up his face! I told him about how I thought my caterpillar was special, but now I see that's not the case. He said that would be a good name for an emo band. "I thought my caterpillar was special."

I saw my sister and her bf, Dale, last night. We ate at Ramsi's and it was yummy. Also ran into James (one of John's best friends) who was working at the bar. Jennifer and Dale are awesome together. I'm so happy she got together with him.

spacebot - 9:42 AM

Monday, April 28, 2003

I can't believe this... I was up all night studying for my Spanish exam and when I got there, it was cancelled. The head of the language department forgot to put the exams in my professor's mailbox. So... I'm screwed. I have no chance to make up for my one bad exam. Grades will be averaged without the final. This is very unfair, as I was counting on it to bring up my scores. If I don't get a B in the class, I will be raising high holy hell.

On a happier note, Rory J and I discovered a new means of motivation. Competition. We had a race to see who could complete our homework first. Winner got a prize. Don't laugh... it totally worked! :)

In less than an hour I have to read 4 poems in a public reading called "Hear This". It's pretty dorky... all choreographed and whatnot. But whatever... I'm pretty sure I'll be getting an A in that class.

My sister is in town. I can't wait to see her! I think that John will be in town soon, as well.

spacebot - 10:16 AM

Sunday, April 27, 2003

Where is Jesse when I need him? I neeeeed to finish a shitload of work by tonight. Neeeeeeeeed motivation! MUST be done tonight, no excuses. Ugh!

I went out last night, which kept me from getting stuff done. It was awesome. Sean called and invited me out with him, Oscar and Eli. We went to a bar and then hung out a bit. I guess I do have a few friends. They aren't from here, either. Imports from Virginia, having moved to the Ville about the same time I did. Rock the fuck on.

Homemade PB&J is very delicious. Much better than those little "Uncrustables" things that the roommate buys.

"I speak better English than this villain Bush" (Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf)

spacebot - 2:31 PM

Thursday, April 24, 2003

I'm in one of my people-hating phases. But I love the Velvet Underground box set. Why do people suck? And why were the VU so good?

Sometimes I realize that I have either made very little effort to make friends here or what effort I have made, hasn't worked all too well. This is a very click-y city. I miss my Philly crew.

My upstairs neighbours sound like screaming monkeys.

spacebot - 11:21 PM

Here I am at the elementary school doing classroom observations. It's interesting. The KERA standards are impressively strict and the children are aware of how important it is to score well on their standardized tests. I have another class to attend in 3 minutes, so I'm heading off.
spacebot - 10:55 AM

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Wow. My ego was shot down like a cracker in the ghetto. I asked that boy what he was doing after class, and he replied, "I think I'm going over to my GIRLFRIEND'S house, then I don't know, and then later on is band practice."

I mean, come the fuck on... we hung out for HOURS and had a lot of fun... and not ONE mention of the gf. Then he sat next to me during the crit today. Then I ask him what he's up to and he had to diss me in such a rude and OBVIOUS manner? My friend Marianne told me that he's pretentious and lame.

Just when I thought that Louisville had hope...

Well, anyway, I took Marianne out to dinner instead and we had good food over at Vietnam Kitchen. Spicy mock duck and string beans and then some tofu and vegetables and these yummy avacado spring rolls.

His loss, right?

spacebot - 10:00 PM

Welp, the semester is almost over. Tonight is my last drawing class, and Monday is the public poetry reading as well as my last Spanish exam and final drawing crit. Wednesday we inflate our inflatable art. Then one more music class and... poof! No more Spring semester.

My self-portrait doesn't look enough like me, but it's close enough, according to others. I worked on it too long. Michael said that it makes me look like the girl from Ghost World.

I'm going to ask that boy I like to hang out again. Tonight is the last class I'll see him in, so I'd better be smooooooth about it. Wish me luck.
spacebot - 4:42 PM

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Holy christ on a stick! I just hung out with the most gorgeous and interesting young man in all of Louisville. After having class with him all semester I finally got the guts to ask him to hang out. I can't friggin' believe he spent 2 and a half hours conversing with me. I so hope he calls. I'm in total shock. Good goddamn... all we did was talk, and I think I need a cold shower.

Why am I such a 12 year old sometimes?

spacebot - 12:36 AM

Monday, April 14, 2003

Thank heavens my dad is a sock man... if it wasn't for him, I may not have an ankle! Welded right through my sock. Ouchie! My project is looking spiffy, though.

Almost time for my drawing class where I get to draw my friend Josh nekkid. We're not allowed to laugh and that will be hard.

Today is 7 years since Keith died. 7 years is supposed to erase bad luck or something. I'm expecting good things to come out of today even though it's already 5pm. We shall see.

spacebot - 5:18 PM

Thursday, April 10, 2003

It has been a long time since I have posted in here. Again. Sorry! Well, I went to Philly for Spring Break and had a great time hanging out with my old buddies Beth and the gang. Also saw Carey and Summer and Rory J, food partner. Pete Gavin and I had a lot of making out to do and that was taken care of in a timely manner. I also got new glasses. I don't know if they're as attractive as my old ones, but I like them.

The Spring semester is almost over. Only a few weeks left! I'm so crushing on my drawing professor, Michael. He gave me a ride home from class last night and I was practically tripping over my own feet. He isn't even gorgeous or anything... just really smart. The way I like 'em. And I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend because he's so damn cool, but I'm still allowed to crush like a schoolgirl because that's what I am.

So much work to do. But as Jesse, the wisest man I know once said, "always remember Heather, there is nothing worse than being mediocre."
spacebot - 12:51 PM

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Lord. Nothing like sitting in the library computer lab and smelling someone else's fart in the air.
spacebot - 12:37 PM

Wow, it has been a crazy long time since my last post. I guess it has also been a crazy long time since I had a life.

We had an ice storm and my roommate was in NC, so getting to and from work was hell. Then on Monday, there was a 2 hour delay in classes. I trudged all the way to school in the ice with all my stuff and 3 out of 4 professors didn't show. In the one class that actually happened (3-D), I was one of four students who showed up. Oh, and a friend who was supposed to visit last weekend never made it down... my one chance to socialize.

But aside from that stuff, classes are all going well. The only one I'm struggling with is Espanol, but that was to be expected. We had a guest lecturer in the poetry workshop today who read some very interesting pieces and yesterday I taught my first lesson plan in the public school music class.

I may meet up with Douglas in Amsterdam for Spring break. Hookers and drugs. Should be fun!

spacebot - 12:28 PM

Thursday, January 23, 2003

We're currently in the second week of the Spring semester and I'm already going insane. My schedule is out of control. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I have almost 14 hour days. Ouch. It's friggin cold as hell outside and I walk to school and get numb all over. Ouch again.

My classes seem alright. I looooove my 3-D design class. My professor is great and I get to do all kinds of messy projects. I'll also get to use POWER TOOLS and do welding and other fun stuff. Drawing is a good class, too. I have never drawn before and I'm already learning some stuff. My professor for that class isn't much older than I. He kind of reminds me of Nickolas.

However... la clase de Espanol es MUY dificil! I'm terrible at foreign languages and I worry about keeping up. My English class seems pretty good, though the prof. intimidates me. I like the class because it forces me to write, which I both love and excel at. And then there's Teaching Public School Music where there the course pack alone fills a 3 inch binder. More work than you would ever think could go with a class like this. We also need to learn to sing in tune and play the recorder. I kid you not.

I really wish I had time to eat and breathe. This semester is SO much worse than last, time-wise. If I make it through without quitting my job, then I can make it through anything. I doubt I can make it through anything.

spacebot - 11:03 AM

Sunday, January 12, 2003

It has been a while since I updated. I have been extremely busy. Last weekend I went to Philly and mostly hung out with mom.

Rory J and I went to our favourite Ethiopian restaurant immediately after he picked me up at the airport. It tasted like it was midnight because it was.

And of course I saw Jon. We went to New Hope and then back to his parents' house for a bit. Looking through old photo albums can be fun. I'm so glad that I just won a shitload at the casino so I can maybe see him again soon. Maybe if I'm very, very lucky. <3

School starts tomorrow. My schedule is nuts. I shall learn and I shall enjoy it. That is my mantra.

I'll update again soon, as I haven't said all I needed to. Just no time right this minute.

spacebot - 6:03 PM

Monday, December 23, 2002

I'm in Florida right now, but I leave in the mid afternoon. I haven't done too much down here, but it was nice to relax. The weather is absolutely perfect. Yesterday I met up with Amado in Miami. My step-cousin, he and I all hung out at Coconut Grove and then went to Santa's Enchanted Forest, which had carnival rides. Stephanie and I were quite intoxicated.

My grandma bought me a book that Bekah told me she wasn't getting me, but then I checked my voice mail a day later and wouldn't ya know it, I now have 2 copies. I guess Grandma's gift is getting exchanged!

Did I mention that I got a friggin' 4.0?? Yes, you heard right. Straight A's including that history class! Pretty nuts. I can't remember my last 4.0... I need to have a 4.0 party. I'm a goddamn Dean's Scholar.

Aside from the weather, I think I miss Louisville a bit. Well, at least the restaurants. Gosh... they aren't even half as good as the Philly restaurants I like. Florida is either terrible for that or no one I hung out with here has good taste in food.

I really must plan that weekend trip to New York.

spacebot - 10:16 AM

Saturday, December 14, 2002

It has been a long week even though my last day of classes was on Tuesday (rescheduled from the snow day). We were dealing with IP and DNS switchovers and that obviously caused many headaches for the tech department. Luckily I was still in a great mood from Jon's visit. Goddamn, I miss him.

I leave for Florida on Tuesday right after my last final exam, so that should rock. I hear it's 80 degrees there! I love warm weather! It'll be awesome to hang out with my cousins again.

4 out of 5 grades are known. All A's. I'm expecting a C in history but hoping for a B. That will make either a 3.6 or a 3.8 GPA.

Oh! I noticed that Ask Spacebot was not publishing correctly. I changed the template and it's working now. There are two "new" entries (one was written months ago). Go read!

Did I mention that I wish Jon was still here? One more reason to make a weekend trip back home before the Spring semester begins...

spacebot - 7:21 PM

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Here I am at the university library. I just dropped Jonathan off at the airport and I already miss him. This was the best weekend I can remember having in a long fucking time.

We ate at Two Hahns and Ramsi's, walked around Cherokee Park, watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas as well as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, went to the Maker's Mark store, went to the Mag Bar, ate way too many hot glazed Krispy Kremes, enjoyed Kentucky's finest green, and I got to kiss my favourite lips in the universe.

8 years of friendship and I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be when I'm spending time with him. I hope one day I'll never have to say goodbye.

p.s. I will add a photo or two when I get to work in a few hours.

spacebot - 8:37 AM

Monday, December 02, 2002

Found out I have two definite A's (both English classes). My history prof is still retarded, and I'm not going to waste anyone's time by elaborating on that...

My friend Joshua is the best. He sent me the coolest Chanukkah gift ever! And Robert (the roommate) has been giving me a present every night. I feel so loved this year. :)

And Friday evening will be a fun conclusion. I'm actually helping to clean the apartment to get ready for my guest. I can't remember the last time I cleaned for someone. Never?

Work sucks today. I need to finish my project for 2-D design, and now it looks like I'll be here till like 9pm. ugh.

spacebot - 1:12 PM

Saturday, November 23, 2002

School is almost over. I'm looking forward to the last day of classes not only because it's the last day I have to sit through an annoying lecture from that history professor, but it's also the day that Jon will be visiting me from nyc!! (Yes, that pic is from the prom. hehe.) You have no idea how excited I am. It has been way too long.

I have so much work to do on this writing portfolio, but my sister called and I talked to her when I should have been writing. There's another hour down the drain.

Robert is taking me to the strip club tonight to see some boo-tay.

I'm hungry for food. I should just give up on this paper for tonight.

spacebot - 8:15 PM

Thursday, November 14, 2002

There are only a few more weeks of classes in the semester. Right now, it's looking like I'll make the dean's list. I'm really annoyed at my "friends" who are less than understanding about my inability to hang out or chat right now. Some are very supportive, but some are either ignorant as to what I'm dealing with stress-wise or are just plain selfish. I'm not intentially ignoring anyone.

I love The Little Prince (old 1943 translation). Thanks to Constance for telling me to buy it. Relaxing in the bath with Burts Bees bath crystals and that book made me feel good.

I hope that Jon visits soon. He said he would. On an unrelated topic, I completed my painting of a wheat field.

spacebot - 4:15 PM

Saturday, November 02, 2002

It has been super busy at work today. No news on that earlier post I made... will find out on Monday whether it's even an issue anyway. May have been a false alarm. :(

I have a paper to write that I must complete this weekend. Must. I have been putting it off, and my awesome English professor can only be so lax about due dates.

I bought a tent so I can go camping with Amado when I'm in Florida. I'm really looking forward to spending time with him. The tent was a great deal on ebay and I'm sure I'll be using it plenty over the years.

I have been doing a lot better recently regarding "not sweating the small stuff". Those who know me know that I used to flip out over the smallest thing going wrong, but I have been brushing stuff like that off lately. And I'm becoming happier. This is good.

My parents are moving, which is weird as hell. I grew up in that house. They had it for 25 years! I cannot imagine it belonging to anyone but us, but the neighbourhood has been going downhill and it's time for them to move on. Looking at it rationally, it's probably for the best.

spacebot - 4:13 PM

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

I can't believe it. Something happened and someone I care deeply about is very upset right now. I sincerely wish he wasn't hurting, but the selfish side of my brain is thinking of other things. That someone I care about so deeply has been cared about by me for over 1/3 of my lifetime (yeah... long time)... and I believe that my love for him has always been stronger than friendship, though I forced myself to forget about it over the past few years due to circumstance. Could this possibly be the small chance in hell that I never thought would be there again? Man, I wish I had the courage to tell him before it's too late for the 3rd fucking time. I need to talk to Bekah about this. No one else (except my best friend Jaime who has been around since the start) understands.

On other news, a Vietnamese guy sitting next to me at the blackjack table the other night (a high roller) gave me $75 worth of comps for a sports bar called Legends. The roommate and I each ordered an entree, each ordered an entree TO GO (plus 4 salads in all), got an appetizer, and then 3 slices of strawberry cheesecake to go, as well. Yum!

spacebot - 5:02 PM

Sunday, October 20, 2002

I finally hung out with my buddy Mark again... it had been too long because I'm a busy kiddo. He helped me get my linux box online. I'm excited because I got to download all the updates which has certainly optimized her performance. SuzieQ has been a little bitch lately.

The history midterm was Friday and I really hope he curves the hell out of it, because we'll need it for sure.

Gambling is fun and I am liking it better now that I'm not so addicted. Placing limits on yourself is a healthy thing to do in almost all aspects of life, I find.

I'm planning a trip down to FL to see my grandmother, aunt and cousins. I haven't seen my cousins in about 8 years, and before that we hung out at least once a year, if not more often. We were pretty close at one point, and I miss the hell out of them. Shit... it's weird because the last time they saw me was before my whole punk/body art phase... and now they will see me after all that. They are the only people I know who has known me before and after, but NOT during. Very interesting thought.

I like sending mail through the USPS instead of doing it electronically. I need more good old fashioned pen pals.

spacebot - 12:40 PM

Saturday, October 12, 2002

I haven't ridden my bike in a while because it was in the shop from the crashola, but I rode to work today and I was in such good shape from walking to/from school that I didn't even feel it.

Always keep a backup of the numbers programmed into your mobile phone. I almost lost mine and am now putting everything into my Palm (and HD) to avoid a catastrophe.

Sometimes I miss John, but sometimes I think about it and then decide that I'd rather not think about it... if that makes any sense. I'm not in a romantic delusion about this break-up... I mostly miss what I could still have (the friendship) if I wasn't too hurt right now to keep it exactly as it was. Lonliness sucks worst in the Wintertime.

This "coaching" I'm getting from Ashley is very cool. I have noticed a big difference so far in my anxiety levels. I think it has a good chance for success in eliminating my phobias... but I'll have to wait and see what happens. We ate at Zen Garden and the orange tofu was so friggin' good.

spacebot - 5:55 PM

Sunday, October 06, 2002

This weekend was a bit hard. John picked up the bed and we watched a movie (Sliding Doors) while he sat on the couch with his arms crossed, which was enough to make me feel uncomfortable. I really miss him, but I shouldn't stay in denial. It's over and I need to begin to face the friggin' facts. I'm so happy to have friends like Rebekah to call late at night and/or early in the morning when I really need to talk, who won't get pissed when I wake them up.

I got an A+ on my last art project! It was 8 different compositions using the same 5 shapes in each. Our professor is generally a hard grader, so I was surprised. He didn't like 2 out of 3 of my first set of projects at all. Right now we're working on pattern modules using Appleworks. I also took an exam for sociology and I'm crossing my fingers that I did well.

Today I will go to Sara and Craig's Sunday barbecue because I haven't been in about a month and we only have so many nice days left until Winter. Next weekend will be a long 4 day weekend, as it's "midterm break". I may plan to do something, but I'm thinking that the best thing for me to do may be to sleep in and relax.

Nothing else to report.

spacebot - 3:21 PM

Monday, September 30, 2002

Welp, another week has passed. I didn't get anything accomplished this weekend, because I was in deperate need of some chill time. My sociology class on Friday night was really interesting. I'll probably try to take another of her classes next semester if she's teaching another soc. class I need. I wish I could say the same for that dang history class, but at least next semester I'll have time to ask opinions on professors before I register.

The roommate and I went to the riverboat last night and gambled for a bit, then ate for free at the buffet with our comps. Felt good to get out.

I need to go shopping for a new bed because John is picking his up this coming weekend. It may be good to get one that is better on my back, but now I won't be sleeping on the bed that brings back the memories. That may also end up being a good thing...

spacebot - 2:18 PM

Sunday, September 22, 2002

Constance and her man took me along to Blue Sky Jamfest and it was awesome. We ate cheese fries and rocked out to Los Lobos among others. The weather was gorgeous and I didn't get any bug bites. I ate a few of Sara's special brownies that I was saving in my freezer to make me feel alright. It worked.

Right now I'm drinking bourbon on the job. That's about all I gotta say.

spacebot - 2:33 PM

Saturday, September 21, 2002

This week has been pretty painful. I'll be feeling fine eventually, but there is so much going on that I find it hard to think clearly at times. School is getting overwhelming mostly due to the weird schedule. I need to keep telling myself that next semester will be different and it's only another few months of zero free time. I really miss John even though nothing has really changed aside from the fact that he's technically not my boyfriend anymore and I may never have the physical part of our relationship again. He called me last night while intoxicated, so it's nice that he thinks of me even then. I think of him always. The thought of having to move on makes me want to vomit. I guess I'll be single for a while... and hope that he'll move back home before either of us does "move on". I have nothing better to do.

Constance and I are going to a bluegrass festival tonight and for that I am excited. It will be a few hours to relax, listen to music and forget about my piled up "in box".

I'm glad that a certain person just called me to clear things up. Good boy! ;)

spacebot - 6:49 PM

Sunday, September 15, 2002

Though I have a broken heart
I'm too busy to be heartbroken
There's a lot of things that need to be done
Lord I have a broken heart

Though I have a broken dream
I'm too busy to be dreaming of you
There's a lot of things that I've gotta do
Lord I have a broken dream

And I'm wasted all the time
I've gotta drink [smoke] you right off of my mind
I've been told that this will heal given time
Lord I have a broken heart

And I'm crying all the time
I have to keep it covered up with a smile
And I'll keep on moving on for a while
Lord I have a broken heart.


--- I love you, John. I really hope you change your mind.

spacebot - 11:58 AM

Friday, September 13, 2002

My chigger bites are getting better, and I did get an "A" on my paper. However, I also got in a bicycle accident yesterday and have swelled up knees. They hurt pretty friggin' bad. If you're curious as to how it happened, ask. I'll tell you all about the pompous asshole who ran me right off the sidewalk. My roommate bought me ice packs and ace bandages at the Ft. Knox army supply, as well as a bottle of "Chig Away".

I went to the casino the other night and socialized for the first time in a few weeks. And today I got felt up by a hot chick. Okay, okay, I got a breast exam at the gyno. ;)

I wish I had someone to watch a movie with tonight. I really wish that person was John. He likes the calculus shirt that I sent him. I hope he takes a picture.

Rory told me that the new Gianna's Grille is better than before. Vegan cheese fries, soft serve, etc. Whoa baby.

Tempur-pedic pillows are very very comfy.

spacebot - 7:04 PM

Sunday, September 08, 2002

Okay, my friend David said he learned about bug bites in Eagle Scouts, and that I definitely have a few ankles full o' chiggers. His suggestion of vasoline to suffocate the little suckers didn't work, though. I think I may need to call my doctor soon. And to those of you trying to give me a new nickname, stop calling me "chigger"!

So, my little man wants to try out for next season's American Idol. I told him that he may be the only person over 30 trying to get on, but he's insistant that he'll win over Paula Abdul by singing Frank Sinatra. I wish he would sing me some Frank Sinatra!

My history paper is due tomorrow. I need to finish writing it and I need to somewhat prepare for my oral presentation. I had a nightmare last night that I tried to do my speech and puked all over the floor. Then I remember calling my mom crying because they wanted me to clean up the puke, but I was afraid that would make me puke again. I hope in real life, this will be a lot less painful. Hell, I'm hoping for an "A".

spacebot - 1:14 PM

Friday, September 06, 2002

I'm going crazy. I have over 40 mosquito (or possibly chigger?) bites right now, the majority on my left ankle. I have never seen so many in one place before. It itches like you wouldn't believe. They have these funny white circular borders around them, but I'm going to wait to see if I get a high fever before I go to the doc inquiring about West Nile, even though a few people have died recently in my area.

I'm never listening to Cam again. I had the idea for bug spray and he tried to make me feel paranoid. Next time I spend time in the park, it's all about the DEET.

I'm woozy from Benedryl, but it isn't working. I'm taking it orally and applying it topically. It's still worse than chicken pox. I feel like cutting the bites out of my skin with an x-acto.

I'm going to go cry in agony now. These are probably chiggers because I never remembered mosquito bites being this unbearable.

spacebot - 12:28 PM

Saturday, August 31, 2002

I changed my mind about liking my history class. It's a joke, and no different than high school. I have better things to do than get up at 6:30am to get there at 8 and listen to rednecks bitch about how we should bomb Afghanastan because of 9/11. What does that have to do with world history in the early 1500's? I'm going to have to grit my teeth and deal with it because it's a required class and I need to do well. It should be relatively easy; just annoying.

I'm still loving my other classes though. I'm looking forward to a 15-20 page paper I have to write for English. I'm not looking forward to a 5 page paper I need to write for history. I'm going to try to pop out the latter of the two this weekend to get it out of the way. Guess who gets to work on Labour Day?

So, I got a really strange phone call today. This guy that I haven't talked to in months called me and told me of his roommate's recent suicide. I really don't know what to think, as it's an odd situation.

I had a dream last night involving that same person (not the dead one, I didn't know him. The one who called). In it, I was really, really stoned and he asked me to marry him, and I didn't take it seriously and signed some paper. Then I found out it was for real and almost panicked, but then said, "Okay, I'll just try to make it work." Then it suddenly came to me, "Shit! Now I can't be with John anymore!" Then my sister appeared out of nowhere and told me that I had 24 hours to get it annulled and it has already been about 22 and a half hours. So I started running through this urban ghetto at about 3am that was lined with these neon lit sleazy clubs and offices. Some black guys asked, "What you lookin' fo'?" I said, "A marriage lawyer!" and kept running. I remember thinking that I didn't want to say "divorce lawyer" because if I wanted to get it annulled, I wanted to pretend it never really happened. I was running and running and running with all of my strength. Then I heard a beeping sound. It was my friggin alarm.

spacebot - 6:43 PM

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Man, art supplies ended up costing me over $150, and that was for one class (not including the book) AND after my 20% student discount. I did meet a cool girl in class so we went to Preston Art Supply and had this guy who worked there pretty much pick everything out for us. I called him our personal shopping assistant.

I'm really enjoying my classes so far. My two upper level requirements (one of them being "advanced academic writing") are a blast. The professor is great and the other students are all very cool, as well. I'm slowly getting used to the whole public speaking thing again. I'd better get super used to it quick, as I volunteered to be an "early bird" for my oral presentation for history class.

Aside from all that school stuff, I'm also working full time. Day off? Who needs it!

Yeah, I'll probably go insane. Or perhaps I need to keep busy to stay sane? It works for some people I know. Either way I'm getting educated and paying the bills. Rock.

Oh, and I decided to give up chocolate, until Laura gave me a "present" of a pack of peanut M&Ms. It's rude to turn down a present.

I forgot to mention that my buddy Paul was in a motorcycle accident. He needed surgery and a hospital stay, but he's going to be fine. You can send get well emails to him here.

spacebot - 2:54 PM

Monday, August 26, 2002

Hey, life is good. I got ALL of the classes I needed!@#! The schedule is a little weird, but that is fine by me. My history class seems like it will be a lot of fun. The professor is funny and the class size is small enough to learn in. This is great. I'm so excited! Off to buy art supplies... :D

spacebot - 9:58 AM

Saturday, August 24, 2002

Okay, I wait too long in between posts, I know.

So, school starts in 2 days. Am I excited? Hell yes. Scared? Hell no. I'm ready as I'll ever be.

You'll be surprised to hear that I made the decision to call Camden the other day. I felt really terrible for the way things ended, and I wanted to reach out a hand of friendship since I do care. He accepted and we're cool. I feel a lot better about it now. It was probably good that I waited to contact him, as we're both in other relationships now so the weirdness has passed.

Speaking of relationships, I can't emphasize enough just how fucking rad that book Griffin & Sabine is. Seriously, buy it. You won't regret it.

I bought a keyboard for my new palm pilot for taking notes. It's the coolest little thing... folds out to a full-size keyboard, but folds up only slightly bigger than the palm itself. The palm is the first organizer I have bought since receiving a Sharp IQ something or other for my 19th birthday. That thing was massive, and I may finally retire it.

I have 12 credits of stuff I need now, and I also got another class to transfer correctly. I just need to get one more class on add/drop week and I'll be set.
Yes, this is probably all I'll be talking about now. School. How interesting I have become. ;)

spacebot - 5:36 PM

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Vacation ended about a week ago, and I think I'm ready for the school year to begin. I miss John very much, but I will see him today for a few minutes as he breezes through town. I'll be sure to steal a kiss. Or two or three.

So, I'm annoyed that I wasn't allowed to register for classes until the 15th and now everything I need (aside from 9 credits worth I was able to grab) is closed. I'm going to have to pick 2 classes of stuff I don't need, then cross my fingers on add/drop week. Yeah, cross your fingers, too.

I forgot to mention earlier that the stinky idiot finally got fired. Work is a lot less stressful now.

Oh... My first love just got married and didn't even include me on his mass mailing email list. I'm not upset per se, but I must admit that I'm a bit hurt that I had to hear it through a 3rd party, even though I knew of the engagement, etc. I do like the girl, too. I thought that things were friendly, and 6 years is a long time to know someone. One less wedding present to buy this year, I suppose...

John bought me a copy of Griffin & Sabine. If you enjoy reading others' correspondance, this is nothing short of "wow". I'm surprised I have not read this before.

Time to write some petitions for transfer credits...

spacebot - 1:10 PM

Monday, August 12, 2002

So, I'm still technically on vacation, but I returned from our vacation yesterday. We had a great time at the shore. We did everything from exploring the boardwalk to riding rental bikes early in the morning to swimming in the ocean to eating well to lots and lots of physical affection. I already miss him.

We also had a birthday party for both Peter and I at Peter's house on Thursday evening. There were a good number of people there, but none of my friends showed up. Luckily I have known a few of Peter's friends for years so it wasn't weird, and actually quite fun. I'm just a bit pissed that certain people didn't even call me.

I have brunch plans with my cousin this morning, late lunch plans with Rory J. and then I catch a plane back. I needed to buy an extra duffel bag because I'm returning with so much extra stuff.

spacebot - 9:54 AM

Monday, July 29, 2002

I just received the sweetest birthday package from the most desireable man in existance. I don't need casinos to prove how damn lucky I am.

spacebot - 12:36 PM

Sunday, July 28, 2002

Boy oh boy, I'm officially a linux nerd. Mark was over last night working on that $30 laptop I bought from him, and I installed Suse 8.0 on my other box. I must say... it was so friggin easy, I could have done it with my toes. In fact, I did it with 2 dysfunctional keyboards (plugging and unplugging), each with different keys that didn't work. It has KDE 3.0, which is super rad. Tons of software and very user friendly. I love it!!!

Ever have a dream where someone says or does something mean and you wake up pissed off at the person for what they did in your dream? That happens to me occasionally and I have to laugh at myself when I finally figure out where my anger came from.

I am so hungry and I'm looking forward to seeing my friends at the pot luck tonight. I think this will be a good week, as it's only one week away from my trip to Philly/Atlantic City. Beach, John, birthday party at Peter's, riding bikes on the boardwalk, Ethiopian food... ahhh!

I'll be 24 in less than 2 days. I can't wait for Sara's special brownies!

I forgot to mention that I beat the bus riding my bike to work. We both started at 4th and Hill and I got to Broadway first. Woo! I'm a fast cruiser rider!

spacebot - 5:05 PM

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

So, I quit the new job after 3 hours. Blind girls can't be waitresses, period end of story.

As for the noise issue, I don't think it's the neighbour's fault as they aren't creating noise out of the ordinary... it's just that the walls are paper thin. They were watching Chris Rock until all hours of the morning and I heard every word he whined. I'm so upset about my apartment issues that I'm numb to it. I'm considering saying fuck school just to get out of this city.

On a nicer note, I bought John's plane ticket today so we'll be enjoying the boardwalk together very soon. You have no idea how happy that will make me.

To quote a funny conversation I had last night:

Peter: "Did you just say that?"
Me: "Hmmmm?"
Peter: "Well, it's just weird to hear someone that you used to be in a punk band with say, 'but I'll be marketable' "
Me: "Goddam, I never realize how silly I sound until you point it out to me."

spacebot - 5:02 PM

Sunday, July 21, 2002

I just moved yesterday. Unfortunately, one of my friends hurt his ankle very badly in the process. It may be broken. :(

My new apartment seems nice. There are some very loud negros living above me, though. They seem nice, so I hope it's just a Saturday night thing...

But I rode my bike to work today (2.2 miles each way), and it felt good to not have to wait for a bus. I'll save that bullshit for rainy days.

My birthday is in a week (July 30th), and I'll be 24. I have received one gift early. Thank you, Bekah!!

By the way... my short and rarely updated wishlists are here and here.

I start a 2nd job tomorrow, and I'm excited. Hopefully the money will be good. I have never worked for tips before.

Time to go home.

spacebot - 6:02 PM

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

This has been an eventful week or two. I finally got a new apartment... and I sign the lease on Friday. I have high hopes that this place has a low creep factor.

I'm also pretty much through with the majority of the paperwork required to attend university this Fall. That and I got a 2nd job that will help pay the bills once I can't work my current job full-time anymore. It'll likely be a whole lot more interesting, as well...

Carey, Bo, and Phoenix are moving. A few less people to visit in Atlanta, and a few more people to visit in Philly. And all of us figured out that a certain long time friend was a big liar and not worth our time. Always a shame to lose a friend, but the good ones will stay forever.

John and I are going down the shore in early August. I'm pretty excited to spend vacation time with one of my favourite people in the world.

There's a very interesting thread on winner online about whether or not Microgaming blackjack is rigged. And I just downloaded the newest version of Nethack. I will ascend.

spacebot - 3:31 PM

Thursday, July 04, 2002

I think I just decided against posting about my feelings today for fear of sounding "goth". Enough said.

spacebot - 5:47 PM

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

Well, again, it has been a while since my last post. A lot has happened, some good and some not so good.

I'll start with the good... I hit a 4 of a kind on Carribean Stud Poker, and the dealer qualified. I won $1000 and cashed out immediately. Yay.

Other than that, my very mean boss yelled at me for no reason today and made me cry. My nice boss heard it and agreed that he was out of line. Didn't make me feel better, though... I feel like I deserve an apology.

And I applied for a nice apartment and was getting ready to move when I was told today that I need a co-signer (!!). I'm 24 years old, have perfect credit, etc. They said I don't have enough credit. I have had credit cards for over 7 years, apartments and bills in my name for over 5 years. There is no reason why I should need a co-signer. This makes me full of rage.

I just want to live in a place that isn't falling apart, go to school, and I'll refrain from saying the last of the three as this site is hosted on their server.

Kentucky can bite my ass. Seriously. I'm starting to get homesick for a place I've never lived at. I want to find Utopia.

spacebot - 3:07 PM

Monday, June 17, 2002

I woke up Sunday morning to my bathroom ceiling caving in and leaking brown "water" all over the toilet and elsewhere. I called maintenence, and by the time I got home from work, there was about 2 feet of ceiling hanging down with about 10X the mess as from when I left!!!

To make matters worse, the redneck maintenence guy (who had no idea what he was doing) caused a 3ft. by 3ft. square of ceiling to completely fall out and make a mess everywhere. They got a plumber out, and they "think" they fixed the leak, but the ceiling is still wide open and all wet, reeking of mold and worse (of which I have a pretty severe allergy). I'm so fucking sick of this crap... I'm ready to move again, immediately, but I refuse to sign another lease because I have no idea if I'm getting that financial aid for school, and thus staying in this city. Curses!!!!!!

I think I'm paying some sort of karmatic retribution for ill deeds of long ago. This is insanity! I have no idea what to do. Why am I always in a new fucked up situation?

I miss John.

spacebot - 5:05 PM

Tuesday, June 04, 2002

Wow... I haven't updated in a while. A lot has happened!

My beautiful sister visited this weekend. As well as the even more beautiful John. So, the three of us ate at August Mooooooooon and then went gambling at the casino. I lost $100 that night and $50 the night before when the sister and I went with my buddy Chase.

BUT since then, I have started to play Carribean Stud Poker online, and made $225 on Sunday, as well as $180 today!! So I'm very much ahead. Yay. :)

It was very, very nice to hang out with my sis. We also hung out with Cyn and went thrift store shopping. And John and I got to spend a bit of quality time together which was extremely pleasant, but of course I was sad when he had to leave in the morning.

This Carribean Stud Poker thing has me so hooked. I thought I liked blackjack... but good goddamn, this game is way more exciting. I can't wait until my buddy Art visits me this weekend from Atlanta so we can go back to the boat and try it out there. He and I will likely go to the amusement park, too, as my co-worker works there on the weekends and can get us tickets. fun fun fun!

spacebot - 4:49 PM

Sunday, May 26, 2002

I saw Mannequin last night, so I have a Jefferson Starship song in my head. I knew that was going to happen...

Happy Birthday to the boy. He's 32 today. I doubt I'll get to see him longer than a few hours while he's home next weekend, but I guess shit happens.

Looking at flights back to PA to check out schools. Seems that fares are much more pricey when I actually need to go somewhere.

I should have more news when I speak to admissions on Tuesday...

spacebot - 5:40 PM

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

I need to figure out what to do with myself because this job is getting on my last nerve. As Peggy said in King of the Hill, "Education is the sleeping pill that makes dreams happen."

I don't like people very much, either. I mean strangers. I like my friends.

spacebot - 2:49 PM

Monday, May 13, 2002

It has been a pretty good weekend. I saw Neil Halstead play a free show at EarXtacy and he was amazing. And he remembered me from a year and a half ago at Maxwell's up by NYC. That and a few email exchanges. He said that we can hang out next time he's in town. :D

And Mike and I went to the casino again. I won $50 or so last week and another $53 this week. That's not including the $51 I won today on an online casino and the $20 I won yesterday from a different one. Gambling = second job.

My lab results came back from the excisions, and all of the areas came up bad. Yikes. I hate getting cut open and stitched up over and over again. I'm not worried about the cancer as much as I'm worried about my backpiece tattoo. :(

I want to throw my co-worker into a blender.

spacebot - 4:00 PM

Saturday, May 04, 2002

So, I went to the doctor and got big chunks of skin cut out of my back again. I think I have upwards of 15 stitches, and I'm sore as hell. Oucheee.

Cynthia and I went to the thrift store and Waffle House last night. We tried to get in on a bingo game, but the people felt bad selling us cards when the games were half over. We have plans to try it again, though... bingo sounded like a blast.

The coffee shop on the corner, next to the Seelbach, has pretty good bagels. I like the blueberry ones. They are WAY better than the crap that Dooley's sells.

Mike and I have plans for Sunday evening. That's right. Casino plans.

spacebot - 1:09 PM

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

I just returned from Disney World, and it was a good dose of fun. I don't think I'll be going there again until I have a few rugrats to drag along, which is most certainly many years down the road. The Animal Kingdom Lodge was really cool... I had the Savannah view room, which had giraffes, zebras, wildebeasts, pelicans, etc. romping around right out my window. And the animals had acres and acres of beautiful land and really knowledgeable African caretakers. The resort had an African theme, so the food was really good, too.

I got to see John before I left, which was very, very nice even though it was only for one evening through the morning. I wish I could have him to spend time with more often. iwishiwishiwish...

I won another $110 at the casino the other night, and then $35 at another online casino today. Good thing I know how to gamble, or I'd be broke.

spacebot - 3:20 PM

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

All of a sudden I understand that whole "needing a change" thing. I don't think I like where I am, and I need to somehow move forward. Not sure how to do that, and I'm afraid to end up doing a 180 in the wrong direction. My sister was right the other night in something she said to me.

And my new crush is Lloyd Dobler from Say Anything (John Cusack). I think I was supposed to see that movie in Peter's living room about 7 or 8 years ago, but it's never too late. Yeah...

I can't wait to leave for my mini vacation. I have a lot of thinking to do.

spacebot - 2:54 PM

Monday, April 22, 2002

I love gambling. It's really my only addiction, and I'm not out of control or anything, so I suppose it's still normal.

This weekend, I will be headed to Disney World. What fun! I haven't been there as an "adult" yet... so I'm sure it'll be much different than I remember. And I haven't spent time with my friend Robert in well over a year, so it'll be nice to play catch up.

But Thursday evening will be where it's at.

My co-workers have way too much fun flipping through my Victoria's Secret catalogues.

spacebot - 8:52 PM

Sunday, April 21, 2002

Why are some people so obsessive? It's really creepy. Does anyone know how secure this htpasswd really is? How do you keep creepo stalker types out of your life other than living hundreds of miles away and password protecting your weblog? Tell me.

As my dad would say, "man o' manichewitz!"

I really like the spinach alfredo (with mushrooms) thin crust pizza from Papa John's. Not bad at all for chain store pizza.

We watched the fireworks last night from the roof of my friend's house. I really do hate crowds, so it was worth not being able to see them as well.

I finished doing some image editing/graphic design work for a friend's pay site, and I'm really happy with what I came up with. Can't wait to see my images when they're put online.

Time to go home...

spacebot - 6:37 PM

Saturday, April 20, 2002

Two things: I cleaned up all the broken links that happened due to switching this weblog to a new directory (let me know if you find any broken links that I missed), and Happy 4/20! I guess you know what I'll be doing later tonight. ;)

I should call my buddies over at Wonderland in Philly...

spacebot - 1:01 PM

I really like this whole password protection thing. Had I known it was this easy to set up, I would have put up some sort of pay site ages ago. Gooooooooo apache!

Mike and I went to the riverboat casino a few nights ago. He won a bit, and I broke even. We played for hours, and I had lots of fun. I think I may bet higher denominations next time so when I double my money, I'll walk away. I didn't walk away this time because doubling $40 on $5 bets was no big deal. We're low rollers.

Tonight is Thunder (huge fireworks display) and I really hope it isn't going to rain. I have been looking forward to seeing it for months.

House cleaning will be priority #2 this week. First priority is getting a fan, as it's 85 degrees in my apartment.

spacebot - 12:26 PM

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Big news: As I'm sure you can tell, I have password protected the weblog section of my site. If you're my friend or a co-worker, you were most likely emailed a username/password. If I forgot someone and they mention it to you, it doesn't mean that I don't want them to read it. Just tell them to email me if they want a password. I basically just want to know who is reading this. I don't think that my life is the business of lurkers or of people who are just spying.

I had a great day yesterday. I love getting in shape! My friend Jon and I went to the gym and lifted weights (I'm starting to get obvious muscle tone now), then went swimming, and then went on a 5 mile bike ride around the highlands, up hills, etc. As the Coug says, "hurts so good!" Then we got the best ice cream I've had in a while. I had raspberry chocolate chunk on a waffle cone. Oh my!

I have two pretty cool exes. One of them gave me a glow in the dark devil ducky last weekend, and another... well, you know why. Thank you.

There is a nice girl that I see on the bus every few months, and we have been trying to get together to hang out. I hope that she and I will be riding bikes sometime this week. The weather is perfect and I don't want to lose a single day.

In my world, rules of mathematics don't necessarily apply. One thing remains constant even after having been made into a variable. Talk to you tonight.

spacebot - 4:48 PM

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Well, I learned a lot about a few of my old friends when I was back in Philly, and I'm happy to say that I've been making better choices lately... and it's not a bad thing to have fewer people to visit on short weekend trips. Maybe I'll get into it more later, but for now I'd rather focus on other things.

Other things such as the package that was waiting for me when I returned to work. It was filled with a handful of photos that we took of each other, as well as a three page handwritten (!!) letter. I think I melted into the floor like a dropped ice cream cone on hot pavement. Too bad we don't stock extra absorbant Bounty in the kitchen...

I want to go to Atlanta. Now. Even if I could only see him for an hour, it would be worth it. Why have I grown too practical to do such a thing?

We have a pretty cool new co-worker to make up for the obnoxious one. Wish Tim a happy first week at work.

I had only two matching numbers in my NJ lottery "big game" tickets. If anyone knows if that means I may have won 5 bucks or something, let me know.

If it isn't raining, I will ride my bike to work tomorrow, for sure.

spacebot - 3:53 PM

Sunday, April 14, 2002

Oh wow... look what today is. Six friggin' years... goddamn. I'm going to try to pay him a visit since I'll conveniently be in that area today.

spacebot - 11:38 AM

I'm in town right now. I have seen a few important friends and will be seeing just a few more prior to departing. Rory and I went to Gianna's Grille and Abyssinnia (and visited South St.), Renee and I went to Kingdom of Vegetarians, and Jesse and I went to Horizons (and bowled a few games). Peter and I got to hang out for a bit, but food wasn't involved, unless you count Desperately Seeking C. I think I want to go back to Abyssinnia before I leave, as the food is excellent and the waitress actually missed me.

There isn't too much I like about this place besides the food.

My mother and I went to the mall after getting our eyes dialated, which was pretty funny. I had to wear those slip-behind-the-glasses wannabe sunglasses. I had a good time aside from feeling dizzy. My mom looks really good... I hope I look that hot when I'm her age.

I miss John more than anything. I appreciate him more every time I spend time with other people, as weird as that sounds. It's just that I always enjoyed his company more...

spacebot - 11:31 AM

Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Leaving work and heading off to the gym. It's all about a good workout.

spacebot - 6:00 PM

Monday, April 08, 2002

Last night and today were emotionally draining, to say the least. It'll get better, I'm sure, but I know that my apartment will feel empty for a very long time. It's not like I just need to fill the space... it's that the right side of the couch and the bed both belong to him. And that last beer will likely still be in the fridge by the time he visits.

Mike will be here to pick me up in a matter of minutes. Hopefully we'll go to the boat soon for some good, old fashioned gamblin'. I leave for Philly in a few days, and I'm not looking forward to it all too much. I guess it'll be a good way to clear my head and come home more appreciative of the town I live in.

spacebot - 10:36 PM

Friday, April 05, 2002

I feel like utter shit. I have been sick to the stomach for a good 10 days now, and my nerves are over the edge. My mom thinks it's because of the boy leaving this weekend, but I'm not sure if that's completely the case... even though it's finally starting to hit me and I can't even explain the level of my sadness.

I bought a new bike, and I hope no one steals it this time. I'm thinking of making a laminated note to attach to the lock that says something like, "Please don't steal this. My terrible vision doesn't allow me to drive, and this bicycle is all I have to get around. Thank you!"

I can't believe that my one constant source of good times will be gone in less than a day and a half. I don't think he has any idea to what extent I care for him... but I don't even have the energy to fight for what I want. I'm just going to watch him slip away and hope he returns.

I just called a cab, speaking of no energy... I didn't think I could make it to the friggin bus stop.

spacebot - 8:58 PM

Saturday, March 30, 2002

Wowsers. Today has been busy as a mofo. The phones rang literally non-stop for the entire 8 hours, and I only managed to slip away for a quick trip to the pharmacy. We need a 2nd person here on Saturdays. It would make things run more smoothly, for sure. Man, what a headache! And speaking of... finally got the monthly crampolas, too. Stress gave me an entire week full o' bad moods and worse eyesight.

But I had fun on my day off this past Thursday. John and I went to the batting cages and also drove around the track on go-karts. All this, and Tom Petty's Greatest Hits on the stereo driving from one location to the next. Heavenly.

Did I mention earlier that we downloaded the original Oregon Trail? I play to see Donnie (the new tech) get dysentery. ;)

spacebot - 6:51 PM

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

I had a really bad night the other night. I wish I could just get over my phobia of vomiting because I'm sure it would save me from a lot of nausea and panic attacks. But I'm better now, thanks to my good friend Mary Jane.

The boy who makes me melt like a peanut butter cup in a sauna is moving in a week. I'm still in denial.

Does anyone out there own one of these? I'm thinking of buying one and I wanted a review or two.

spacebot - 8:29 PM

Saturday, March 23, 2002

I just read something funny and literally spit on my LCD screen. I've never done that before.

This morning was fun. I went to a race that John was in. That boy is a fast mofo! And I have no idea how he was able to run in shorts in 20-something degree weather...

Ohhhh! I just got a new cubicle at work! It's crazy... I have never worked in a cubicle before. I like saying that word. cu-bic-le. Apparently they waited to put them in until my day off on purpose because they knew my jaw would drop when I walked in and saw it. And to answer questions ahead of time, that couple in the frame is a random mullet picture that I found at a thrift store (which makes me laugh every time I look at it). And the smaller frame is a photo of the cast of the Facts of Life. I used to pride myself on only having photos up of people I didn't know... but now that I have walls, I added another. (oh... and the polaroid on the right wall is no other than Ceridwen and Spacebob!).

If you want to see some amazing paintings on ceramic tiles, look at my friend David's site. He is one of the most incredible artists I have ever known. And the one on the 3rd row down, all the way to the right is of me in 1998.

Paul's motorcycle is almost running, so I will soon get to ride beeeeee-otch!

spacebot - 4:50 PM

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

So last weekend was a bunch of fun. I went to a bourbon party which most of my co-workers attended, as well. This girl Lauren and I kicked some buttocks in pool. Then we all sat around the TV and bet on horses for a while. In the morning, John and I went to another party over his friend's house which consisted of a yummy breakfast, drinking in the morning, and gambling.

That jerk who broke into my apartment stole 2 surge protectors, too. What an annoyance!

On a much brighter note, here is the cutest photograph on my hard drive. *swoon*

I don't get to chat with Miss Bekah much anymore, as she is back in school (as I hope to be soon) as well as working. Busy lady! But I hear that she's doing well and enjoying herself, so I'm proud.

Sobe cranberry grapefruit Elixir is some good stuff. Try it.

spacebot - 8:12 PM

Saturday, March 16, 2002

Today is going by slowly. Perhaps it's due to the fact that I don't do well in social situations, and I'll be finding myself in one of those on this very evening? I suppose I'm a tad edgy. Tomorrow will be yet another social situation, but at least John will be at that one.

Dale and I had a funny conversation today. I think we're hanging out sometime next month, which will be cool. It has been a while.

A certain female friend of mine is on her way to pick me up. I'm going to set her up on a date with someone this week. What fun! She doesn't know this yet, so shhhhh!

Oh, forgot to mention that my old (fire) apartment was broken into before I got all my papers and crap out... so I needed to cancel all my credit cards, bank accounts, etc. They stole my old digital camera which didn't have cables or software, a broken manual camera, and two cell phones from Philly. Uhhh...

School starts in June if I want in. I think I may.

spacebot - 5:43 PM

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

I took this photo for you.

spacebot - 8:58 PM

Things are pretty chill right now... everyone is at lunch and it isn't terribly busy. I like the temporary quiet.

John removed 6 stitches for me earlier today (and did a fine job), and at the same time I got a call from the doctor, revealing my lab results. Apparently the edges came back as abnormal cells, so the area needs to be cut wider and deeper. Ouch.

I think we're going bowling tonight, which I haven't done in a while. I hope that he isn't too sore after the race today. I do wish I could watch, but I'm at work till 9.

Funny how a couple who said they wanted nothing to do with me still visits my web site (from home and work) after many months of not speaking (and blocking me from viewing their sites). And they called me a hypocrite! I haven't even thought about them in months until I checked my web stats.

I'll tell you something that's even weirder, though. I have a very good friend who acquired this strange mental disorder where he vomits every time he's even casually touched. Not even something as personally invasive as a hug... even just getting touched on the arm. He said that he almost puked even brushing his teeth too close to the bathroom mirror. I'm going to carry a yardstick next time I see him, poor lad!

Laura and I are going to go shopping this weekend, which should be fun. I need a girls' morning out.

spacebot - 2:02 PM

Monday, March 11, 2002

I have the worst luck in the universe. I'm sure of it. And I think it all started when I obtained that human skull. Did you send me the cursed one as a joke? Well, it is far from funny!@#!!

So, some asshole got ahold of my mail at some point when I was living in Philly and wrote a "balance transfer check" of almost $2000 two years later (last week) from my credit card. Well, I'll tell you what... that idiot wrote an expired check. So, they're on to you, Mr. Fraudmeister. If you think you're getting away with this, you're wrong. You are so screwed! My headache will be worth it when they catch your lame ass.

My living room now looks like a living room. I just need a new bed and a bicycle, and I'll be back on track. I want this madness to end. I wish I could just chill out and stop having to deal with crap. Is that too much to ask for?

spacebot - 8:52 PM

Friday, March 08, 2002

It has been a while since I posted. Every time I start to write, I get busy, forget to finish, and then it's time to go home.

Yesterday was a perfect day. Absolutely beautiful Spring weather, did two loads of laundry, rearranged my furniture and hung photos on the walls, went to the movies to see Ocean's 11 with my adorable little man, and then completed an unfinished task. I like productive days! And oh, the weather... Spring gives me so much energy and an overall good feeling. I wish I had a bicycle.

Mike helped me to install Mandrake on my other box today. So far so good, but it didn't like this crappy spare monitor I'm using, so we'll be finishing the task at my house.

I'm mint tea's new biggest fan. A refreshing change from chai.

This is great. Friggin' hilarious!

I feel like I have more to say, but I forget what. I'm sure it'll come to mind later after I post and sign off!

spacebot - 8:43 PM

Saturday, February 23, 2002

Today, I updated the ask me section. I need more questions to answer! Send them in!

My friend Laura (Trevor's girlfriend) had her baby! His name (if I remember correctly) is Stephen Anderson Root, and has been given to a nice, loving set of parents for adoption. When I asked her how much it hurt to have the baby, she said (and I quote), "It was the easiest thing I've ever done." I'm speechless.

John and I went to Jillian's last night and played video/virtual reality games until we were dizzy. It was quite entertaining, and not as crowded as I was expecting, which is certainly a good thing.

And now for your viewing pleasure... the hail storm, as seen from our office. I'm talking pea sized chunks here!

spacebot - 6:19 PM

Friday, February 22, 2002

I updated the main page, as well as the myself section. Enjoy!
spacebot - 9:11 PM

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Here I am on my day off. I'm one flexible girl... and I don't just mean double jointed!

I still have so much more to do at the old apartment, cleaning up and whatnot. I talked to the manager today, and it looks like I still have a good amount of time. I also want to do stuff in the new apartment, like hang up paintings and photos to make it feel a bit more like home... even though I don't think it ever really will.

The thing I'm least looking forward to is that my favourite discovery in this city is moving relatively far and too damn soon. I suppose that it gives me good reason to put my writing skills and overall creativity to the test. But as much as I wish him luck, I so selfishly want him to stay, as these have been the best few weeks since I moved here. By far... even making the apartment fire insignificant.

I got to eat at Steven's and Steven's again. I love that place and crave it constantly. Although I hear that I may soon become similarly addicted to a certain appetizer at Ramsi's.

Oh wow... I can't believe that I have failed to mention how awesome my friends Ceridwen and her boyfriend Spacebob are!! They sent me the nicest package, including but not limited to a spiffy jacket, crayons and sketchbook, soaps, a cute polaroid of themselves, etc. You made my day, kiddos.

Hmmm... what else? Pretty soon I'll have a better pick of my work schedule, so no more late shift and scary late night rides on the bus. Yesssss!

spacebot - 5:02 PM

Thursday, February 14, 2002

Happy Valentine's Day!

I am craving this side dish from Stevens and Stevens Deli like there's no tomorrow.

So, I put together this friendtest thing, and I am extremely surprised by the results. I mean... a boy that I have known for 2 weeks has pretty much scored highest, and my ex boyfriend from high school and another ex's fiancee (!) both beat out some friends that I was pretty sure knew me very well... including someone I dated just last year and someone I have known since the 9th grade (and someone I have known since kindergarten). Well, feel free to add yourself to the list. It's quite interesting!

Today is my day off, so we're about to go eat and get stuff done. More soon...

spacebot - 1:22 PM

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

They had to evacuate everyone and give us all new apartments. The damage is pretty damn terrible... All of my furniture is ruined and everything that I was able to "save" still stinks pretty badly... and that is the last scent I want to smell in the new apartment.

But a few very good people have helped me quite a bit. I'm talking a vibrating recliner, bedding, trips to Target, the Wash-o-Rama, and hours and hours of helping me scrub things down and move things over. Let's not forget chocolate for piece of mind... You guys (and gal) all rock.

Yesterday was the sister's birthday and I forgot to call her because I passed out after returning home from work. I'm a bit dizzy today because I got slightly shy of 17 hours worth of sleep. I just didn't have anything better to do when I woke up in the middle of the night. Anyway, Happy 27th, big sis-ta-rama.

Anyway, people were asking me, so just email me if you want my address for a care package. spacebot@spacebot.net (yes, that also works for paypal, kids!)

spacebot - 3:27 PM

Thursday, February 07, 2002

You know when you were a kid and you would ask your friends that question, "if your house caught on fire and you could only save 3 things... what would you grab?"

Well, I'll tell you what you'd grab. Nothing. You'd jump off your balcony in your underwear like I did as soon as you realize that the entire building is filled with smoke.

That's right... my goddam apartment building caught on fire at 5am last night. When I was crying on my balcony for someone to help me down, the fat blonde haired chick downstairs just yelled at me to jump and ran away.

My apartment and all my belongings are covered in soot. The hallway is pitch black and the floor of the building is soaking wet. It started in the basement, so it's their fault... but guess who didn't listen to their mother and never bought renter's insurance?

And just so you know... if someone calls you at 5am, most likely it's a fucking emergency. You wouldn't believe how many people don't answer their phones in the middle of the night/early morning. I mean, seriously! Good thing my co-worker Dave lives across the street. He and his extremely nice fiancee let me stay with them until the morning, borrow clothes, etc. I guess I'm fortunate for some things. I get to work this morning and people tell me, "You smell like a campfire."

Gotta love it.

spacebot - 10:28 AM

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

I can't believe how good of a mood I'm in for how little sleep I got last night. I'm really enjoying the company of a certain person.
spacebot - 1:42 PM

Saturday, February 02, 2002

I haven't written in here for a while, so I suppose that it's time for an update.

I'm really liking Windows XP Professional so far. It's a really nice, stable OS with some neato features. However... I think I have fallen in love. Someone slap me silly before I make another large purchase.

I just joined a new cartel and I think that we're going to kick some ass this round. I love this game!

Why aren't more people in this world as free spirited and liberal as I'd like them to be? I know it's asking a lot, but I think the world would be a nicer place if people weren't so uptight about things that don't matter all that much.

On a happier note, I made a new friend who is super cool. We watched 3 movies and then passed out. Nothing rocks harder than that.

Happily on the rag,

spacebot - 6:04 PM

Monday, January 21, 2002

We're all so addicted to this game, it's unreal.

I added a bunch of movies to my dvd collection this weekend. I have over 30 now, and that should tide me over for a little while at least. I just wish that I had more friends here to watch movies with.

Camden's birthday and my half birthday are on the same day. That would be Jan. 30th. In my family, we have always rounded up... meaning that you're considered the next age as soon as your half birthday passes. So good god damn, I'm just about "24". And the little boy will no longer be a teenager. I've been wondering about what I'll be like in 10 years, and I can't seem to get a clear vision. Hopefully successful and not too wrinkly.

I miss chatting with Rebekah. I hope that she's doing well and staying safe in NYC (volunteering for the Red Cross). If everyone was as generous with their time as she is, the world would certainly be a nicer place.

I'm listening to "Broken Heart" by Spiritualized, and it never ceases to amaze me how beautiful this song is. Mmmm hmmmm.

spacebot - 6:13 PM

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Man, this week has really sucked. Grepton died a miserable and painful death, but has since been brought back to life with a new motherboard and a complete OS reinstall. I had so much to back up, and it's taking a while to get everything in order.

But I think I have a new crush. And it isn't the firewall this time.

Other than that, I expect to enjoy this evening with a some movies and a friend. Now that is what life is all about!

spacebot - 5:54 PM

Saturday, January 12, 2002

So, yes. I just bought a slice of cake at the bakery for 50 cents, and it isn't stale. You're jealous.

Last night was supposed to be Girl's Night Out with Laura, but we ended up meeting a male co-worker of ours at the bar, which was somewhat interesting. We'll have a true girl's night out next week, for sure. Though I am surely glad to have run into my buddy Mike as we were walking to the car. You have no idea how much I miss that kid. He sure does work some crazy hours!

I now have 3 computers that I need to get up and running. My lovely Grepton is breathing his last sweet breath, my unix box is still in need of some tlc from pmi, and my laptop needs to be re-named "Frankenstein". I think I found some suitable parts on Ebay. Gotta love it.

So, pmi and I went to the auto parts store the other night to get some parts for his Rabbit, and there was a TUFF woman with a mullet helping us. As pmi said, "I bet she rides a Harley with no seat."

I see that Leah finally received her package! The "finally" part is my lazy fault, of course. ;)

Back to work...

spacebot - 4:56 PM

Wednesday, January 09, 2002

I missed the bus on Monday and had to call Trevor and Brian to pick me up. The day before, the three of us went shopping for my dvd player so that we'd have it for the CJS club meeting. The club meeting was productive, as always. Hopefully there will be more members soon.

And yesterday I got to eat lunch with Laura (girl talk Tuesday), and also finally got to hang out with my Pauly again later that evening. I'm so glad he quit smoking, and even more glad that he's becoming less bitchy. ;) We watched some of the special features on my Snow White dvd, which were actually quite interesting.

I'm wearing a BluegrassNet shirt today that is about 3 sizes too big.

Let's see... what else? Updated the Ask Spacebot! section again yesterday. I need more material, so tell your friends to email me questions.

And I made an appointment with a plastic surgeon to get my stretched earlobes fixed. While I'm there, I may have my wrist implants cut out, as well. Time to grow up. My friend Dre is proud of me, and said that I should have listened to her long ago about looking pretty instead of weird.

spacebot - 2:10 PM

Tuesday, January 08, 2002

I missed the bus on Monday and had to call Trevor and Brian to pick me up. The day before, the three of us went shopping for my dvd player so that we'd have it for the CJS club meeting. The club meeting was productive, as always. Hopefully there will be more members soon.

And yesterday I got to eat lunch with Laura (girl talk Tuesday), and also finally got to hang out with my Pauly again later that evening. I'm so glad he quit smoking, and even more glad that he's becoming less bitchy. ;) We watched some of the special features on my Snow White dvd, which were actually quite interesting.

I'm wearing a BluegrassNet shirt today that is about 3 sizes too big.

Let's see... what else? Updated the Ask Spacebot! section again yesterday. I need more material, so tell your friends to email me questions.

And I made an appointment with a plastic surgeon to get my stretched earlobes fixed. While I'm there, I may have my wrist implants cut out, as well. Time to grow up. My friend Dre is proud of me, and said that I should have listened to her long ago about looking pretty instead of weird.

spacebot - 5:14 PM

Friday, January 04, 2002

Today was exciting! I met my stock broker and bought my first real stocks today! (I played for fake money in the economics club in high school.) I bought 100 shares of a company that I despise... but they were down pretty low, and I'm pretty sure they'll make a comeback. Hell yes to my new addiction!

I updated the Ask Spacebot! section yet again! Keep sending in those questions! It's quite a bit of fun.

Other than that, I'm still deciding on a dvd player. I think I'm going with the Toshiba SD2715, unless anyone else has a better suggestion?

I also read a few chapters in my php book, and now know how to create forms and stuff. I'll have to work something into my site tomorrow, just to test it all out.

That is all.

spacebot - 9:07 PM

Wednesday, January 02, 2002

Again, I have updated the Ask Spacebot! section with a new question! Keep on sending them in, kiddos. I get wittier with every response! ;)

So, Cam has left. We had our usual "moment" or two, mostly due to the age difference (I'm 4 years his senior), but overall we had an extremely fun time hanging out this week. It definitely gets more pleasant doing the "getting to know each other all over again as a good friend" thing as time passes. We saw Serendipity during 50 cent Tuesday at the dollar theatre, which was immediately followed by a pretty intense search for my missing hat... speeding over speed bumps, hitting numerous lost and founds, scavenger hunts in parking lots... only to have Cam recall that I must have left it at the good ol' Taco Bell. Those nice folks had it on the counter waiting for me, as they remembered me wearing it. Lucky girl, I am!

I also bought a bunch of dvds this week, even though I'm currently minus a dvd player. I suppose I should just buy one now and regret a possible bad decision later. I mean... watching the extremely rare imported copy of Girl on the Bridge that I won off of Ebay is top priority! Speaking of Ebay, I got a lovely Spiritualized poster in the mail today, which will be framed later tonight.

New Year's ended up working out, as my friends Trevor and Laura invited us over to their house for a small party. I had a glass of sparkling grape juice and watched my friend Brian eat 24 (or was it 48?) ice pops in about an hour's time. He looked really sick.

spacebot - 7:57 PM

Monday, December 31, 2001

I finally updated the Ask Spacebot! section with a new look and a new question! Please help me keep it going by sending in questions to answer.
spacebot - 5:07 PM

I spoke to Peter, and it looks like he's heading back to Philly today, anyway. If no one invites us out, I guess that Camden and I will be doing absolutely nothing tonight. Hopefully Paul comes up with something fun.

And to add to the last post, this New Years Day will be the 5 year anniversary of the worst day of my life (first panic attack). That means no champagne for me, thank you very much. I can't believe how time flies! In this case, it's definitely a good thing.

Camden cooked some damn good food the past few nights, including a vegetarian lasagne and a baked pasta/flourentine sauce with chopped portabella mushrooms sauteed in fresh chopped garlic, butter, and hot pepper, topped with a nice blend of Italian cheeses and spices. I brought in the leftovers to share with my friends at work, where they were finished quickly. It's so nice to have someone so domestic around to cook and help me run errands. He's good company, too, so that makes it all the better. Only a few more days... *sniff*

And yesterday, I bought a new TV!! Click here to see it. Yup. 32" Sony flatscreen. I don't fuck around when buying electronics. :) Now to buy a DVD player. Any recommendations?

Did I mention that my sister sent me a tin of the best brownies I've ever eaten in my life? And they were homemade by the big sister herself. Speaking of the sister, people were telling me today that my pants are too short. I guess that happens when you're 5'8" and wear hand-me-downs from a girl no taller than 5'3".

spacebot - 2:24 PM

Saturday, December 29, 2001

Guess what today is? The 5 year anniversary of me losing my virginity! I have no idea how I remember things like that, but I suppose that some could find it humourous. And yes, I was older than most. Shut up.

I was rather unproductive today, so I'm pissed at myself. I was burning CDs when I should have been reading (in between answering calls at work, I mean). Well, I know that Cam (who is now officially registered for classes!) likes to sleep in, so I'll just read tomorrow before I wake him up, since I naturally wake up at 9am on my days off.

Oh, and those New Year's plans I mentioned? Out the window. Peter must have accidentally given me the wrong contact number for where they are staying, and unless he checks his email by tomorrow, there will be no seeing them in the near future. :( Figures!

It's vegetarian lasagne for dinner tonight! Oh, how I love to make use of my scary old oven that gets way too hot on top. But if the apartment burns down, the lasagne will live. In my memory. heh.

And here is a shout out to Christopher J. who I just found out reads my weblog religiously! It was fun doing the whole reading poetry back and forth over the phone thing the other night, just like when I was 15 and you were 22. Some things never change.

I got a return email today from my favourite rock star, and I'm swooning like never before. It's the little things that make a girl like me happy!

spacebot - 5:59 PM

Friday, December 28, 2001

First thing's first... congratulations to one of my oldest and best friends ever... Carey (old pic) had a baby boy!! Phoenix Mason is his first and middle names. This year has gone by so quickly... I can't believe that I didn't even know that she was pregnant until after the fact! One more reason to visit Atlanta. I bet Carey will make the most wonderful mom. It's so cute watching old friends make the transition from punk to housewife. Growing up is a cool thing.

Cam is here visiting. Things are so much better now that we don't have the confines of a relationship... and now it's always a pleasure just hanging out.

I started reading "php for the world wide web", which has pictures to go along with explanations. This seems way too simple (if you're familiar with raw html coding)... am I missing something? Now that I can edit directly on the server, looks like I'm ready to rock.

Looks like Cam and I will be spending New Year's hanging out with Peter (another old pic) and his "wife". They are visiting only a state away, so that is super rad. I think I may have mentioned this in here before? Ahhh, well.

Back to work...

spacebot - 7:08 PM

Monday, December 24, 2001

Okay, now I do have something to add. Thank you Norman for that near-death experience! What a gentleman, bringing in a heater for my poor, freezing self. Little did he know, the plug was going to go, "bzzzzzzzt!" when plugged in, and mildly (thank satan for surge protectors!) electricute me. My office still stinks of burning!

Wouldn't it have been ironic if I went many, many months without health insurance and then needed a trip to the emergency room a mere 7 days before I'm covered? Whew!!!
spacebot - 12:23 PM

It is so cold both outside and in here at the office. brrrrrr!

So, this weekend was funfunfun, as I went out on another date with Kenton (whom I mentioned in an earlier post). We ate some Italian food and then saw Lord of the Rings. All I can say to that is I can't friggin believe that I have to wait an entire year to see part 2... and then yet another year to see the third! How can they do that to us? I like Kenton, and I'm seeing him again tonight. Hopefully I'll have his mix CD finished this afternoon so he can have it to listen to on his trip.

So because of that, I'm not so upset that someone else never came over to give me the Christmas present he promised me.

I spoke to my very good friend Renee (in Philly) last night for well over an hour, and it felt so nice to catch up. We have so much in common, including but not limited to our secret attraction to repulsion. Don't even bother asking what that means, because you either get it or you don't. Anyway, she is a super awesome person, wise beyond her years, and I can't wait to see her next time I visit.

I also met Josh's younger sister Jane and their friend Vince last night. Very cool kids, they are. I may add more later, but as of right now, I have not much else to say.

Happy Holidays!

spacebot - 11:03 AM




daily thoughts