


Saturday, February 23, 2002

Today, I updated the ask me section. I need more questions to answer! Send them in!

My friend Laura (Trevor's girlfriend) had her baby! His name (if I remember correctly) is Stephen Anderson Root, and has been given to a nice, loving set of parents for adoption. When I asked her how much it hurt to have the baby, she said (and I quote), "It was the easiest thing I've ever done." I'm speechless.

John and I went to Jillian's last night and played video/virtual reality games until we were dizzy. It was quite entertaining, and not as crowded as I was expecting, which is certainly a good thing.

And now for your viewing pleasure... the hail storm, as seen from our office. I'm talking pea sized chunks here!

spacebot - 6:19 PM

Friday, February 22, 2002

I updated the main page, as well as the myself section. Enjoy!
spacebot - 9:11 PM

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Here I am on my day off. I'm one flexible girl... and I don't just mean double jointed!

I still have so much more to do at the old apartment, cleaning up and whatnot. I talked to the manager today, and it looks like I still have a good amount of time. I also want to do stuff in the new apartment, like hang up paintings and photos to make it feel a bit more like home... even though I don't think it ever really will.

The thing I'm least looking forward to is that my favourite discovery in this city is moving relatively far and too damn soon. I suppose that it gives me good reason to put my writing skills and overall creativity to the test. But as much as I wish him luck, I so selfishly want him to stay, as these have been the best few weeks since I moved here. By far... even making the apartment fire insignificant.

I got to eat at Steven's and Steven's again. I love that place and crave it constantly. Although I hear that I may soon become similarly addicted to a certain appetizer at Ramsi's.

Oh wow... I can't believe that I have failed to mention how awesome my friends Ceridwen and her boyfriend Spacebob are!! They sent me the nicest package, including but not limited to a spiffy jacket, crayons and sketchbook, soaps, a cute polaroid of themselves, etc. You made my day, kiddos.

Hmmm... what else? Pretty soon I'll have a better pick of my work schedule, so no more late shift and scary late night rides on the bus. Yesssss!

spacebot - 5:02 PM

Thursday, February 14, 2002

Happy Valentine's Day!

I am craving this side dish from Stevens and Stevens Deli like there's no tomorrow.

So, I put together this friendtest thing, and I am extremely surprised by the results. I mean... a boy that I have known for 2 weeks has pretty much scored highest, and my ex boyfriend from high school and another ex's fiancee (!) both beat out some friends that I was pretty sure knew me very well... including someone I dated just last year and someone I have known since the 9th grade (and someone I have known since kindergarten). Well, feel free to add yourself to the list. It's quite interesting!

Today is my day off, so we're about to go eat and get stuff done. More soon...

spacebot - 1:22 PM

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

They had to evacuate everyone and give us all new apartments. The damage is pretty damn terrible... All of my furniture is ruined and everything that I was able to "save" still stinks pretty badly... and that is the last scent I want to smell in the new apartment.

But a few very good people have helped me quite a bit. I'm talking a vibrating recliner, bedding, trips to Target, the Wash-o-Rama, and hours and hours of helping me scrub things down and move things over. Let's not forget chocolate for piece of mind... You guys (and gal) all rock.

Yesterday was the sister's birthday and I forgot to call her because I passed out after returning home from work. I'm a bit dizzy today because I got slightly shy of 17 hours worth of sleep. I just didn't have anything better to do when I woke up in the middle of the night. Anyway, Happy 27th, big sis-ta-rama.

Anyway, people were asking me, so just email me if you want my address for a care package. spacebot@spacebot.net (yes, that also works for paypal, kids!)

spacebot - 3:27 PM

Thursday, February 07, 2002

You know when you were a kid and you would ask your friends that question, "if your house caught on fire and you could only save 3 things... what would you grab?"

Well, I'll tell you what you'd grab. Nothing. You'd jump off your balcony in your underwear like I did as soon as you realize that the entire building is filled with smoke.

That's right... my goddam apartment building caught on fire at 5am last night. When I was crying on my balcony for someone to help me down, the fat blonde haired chick downstairs just yelled at me to jump and ran away.

My apartment and all my belongings are covered in soot. The hallway is pitch black and the floor of the building is soaking wet. It started in the basement, so it's their fault... but guess who didn't listen to their mother and never bought renter's insurance?

And just so you know... if someone calls you at 5am, most likely it's a fucking emergency. You wouldn't believe how many people don't answer their phones in the middle of the night/early morning. I mean, seriously! Good thing my co-worker Dave lives across the street. He and his extremely nice fiancee let me stay with them until the morning, borrow clothes, etc. I guess I'm fortunate for some things. I get to work this morning and people tell me, "You smell like a campfire."

Gotta love it.

spacebot - 10:28 AM

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

I can't believe how good of a mood I'm in for how little sleep I got last night. I'm really enjoying the company of a certain person.
spacebot - 1:42 PM

Saturday, February 02, 2002

I haven't written in here for a while, so I suppose that it's time for an update.

I'm really liking Windows XP Professional so far. It's a really nice, stable OS with some neato features. However... I think I have fallen in love. Someone slap me silly before I make another large purchase.

I just joined a new cartel and I think that we're going to kick some ass this round. I love this game!

Why aren't more people in this world as free spirited and liberal as I'd like them to be? I know it's asking a lot, but I think the world would be a nicer place if people weren't so uptight about things that don't matter all that much.

On a happier note, I made a new friend who is super cool. We watched 3 movies and then passed out. Nothing rocks harder than that.

Happily on the rag,

spacebot - 6:04 PM




daily thoughts