I just received the sweetest birthday package from the most desireable man in existance. I don't need casinos to prove how damn lucky I am.
spacebot - 12:36 PM
Sunday, July 28, 2002
Boy oh boy, I'm officially a linux nerd. Mark was over last night working on that $30 laptop I bought from him, and I installed Suse 8.0 on my other box. I must say... it was so friggin easy, I could have done it with my toes. In fact, I did it with 2 dysfunctional keyboards (plugging and unplugging), each with different keys that didn't work. It has KDE 3.0, which is super rad. Tons of software and very user friendly. I love it!!!
Ever have a dream where someone says or does something mean and you wake up pissed off at the person for what they did in your dream? That happens to me occasionally and I have to laugh at myself when I finally figure out where my anger came from.
I am so hungry and I'm looking forward to seeing my friends at the pot luck tonight. I think this will be a good week, as it's only one week away from my trip to Philly/Atlantic City. Beach, John, birthday party at Peter's, riding bikes on the boardwalk, Ethiopian food... ahhh!
I'll be 24 in less than 2 days. I can't wait for Sara's special brownies!
I forgot to mention that I beat the bus riding my bike to work. We both started at 4th and Hill and I got to Broadway first. Woo! I'm a fast cruiser rider!
spacebot - 5:05 PM
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
So, I quit the new job after 3 hours. Blind girls can't be waitresses, period end of story.
As for the noise issue, I don't think it's the neighbour's fault as they aren't creating noise out of the ordinary... it's just that the walls are paper thin. They were watching Chris Rock until all hours of the morning and I heard every word he whined. I'm so upset about my apartment issues that I'm numb to it. I'm considering saying fuck school just to get out of this city.
On a nicer note, I bought John's plane ticket today so we'll be enjoying the boardwalk together very soon. You have no idea how happy that will make me.
To quote a funny conversation I had last night:
Peter: "Did you just say that?"
Me: "Hmmmm?"
Peter: "Well, it's just weird to hear someone that you used to be in a punk band with say, 'but I'll be marketable' "
Me: "Goddam, I never realize how silly I sound until you point it out to me."
spacebot - 5:02 PM
Sunday, July 21, 2002
I just moved yesterday. Unfortunately, one of my friends hurt his ankle very badly in the process. It may be broken. :(
My new apartment seems nice. There are some very loud negros living above me, though. They seem nice, so I hope it's just a Saturday night thing...
But I rode my bike to work today (2.2 miles each way), and it felt good to not have to wait for a bus. I'll save that bullshit for rainy days.
My birthday is in a week (July 30th), and I'll be 24. I have received one gift early. Thank you, Bekah!!
By the way... my short and rarely updated wishlists are here and here.
I start a 2nd job tomorrow, and I'm excited. Hopefully the money will be good. I have never worked for tips before.
Time to go home.
spacebot - 6:02 PM
Wednesday, July 17, 2002
This has been an eventful week or two. I finally got a new apartment... and I sign the lease on Friday. I have high hopes that this place has a low creep factor.
I'm also pretty much through with the majority of the paperwork required to attend university this Fall. That and I got a 2nd job that will help pay the bills once I can't work my current job full-time anymore. It'll likely be a whole lot more interesting, as well...
Carey, Bo, and Phoenix are moving. A few less people to visit in Atlanta, and a few more people to visit in Philly. And all of us figured out that a certain long time friend was a big liar and not worth our time. Always a shame to lose a friend, but the good ones will stay forever.
John and I are going down the shore in early August. I'm pretty excited to spend vacation time with one of my favourite people in the world.
There's a very interesting thread on winner online about whether or not Microgaming blackjack is rigged. And I just downloaded the newest version of Nethack. I will ascend.
spacebot - 3:31 PM
Thursday, July 04, 2002
I think I just decided against posting about my feelings today for fear of sounding "goth". Enough said.
spacebot - 5:47 PM
Wednesday, July 03, 2002
Well, again, it has been a while since my last post. A lot has happened, some good and some not so good.
I'll start with the good... I hit a 4 of a kind on Carribean Stud Poker, and the dealer qualified. I won $1000 and cashed out immediately. Yay.
Other than that, my very mean boss yelled at me for no reason today and made me cry. My nice boss heard it and agreed that he was out of line. Didn't make me feel better, though... I feel like I deserve an apology.
And I applied for a nice apartment and was getting ready to move when I was told today that I need a co-signer (!!). I'm 24 years old, have perfect credit, etc. They said I don't have enough credit. I have had credit cards for over 7 years, apartments and bills in my name for over 5 years. There is no reason why I should need a co-signer. This makes me full of rage.
I just want to live in a place that isn't falling apart, go to school, and I'll refrain from saying the last of the three as this site is hosted on their server.
Kentucky can bite my ass. Seriously. I'm starting to get homesick for a place I've never lived at. I want to find Utopia.
spacebot - 3:07 PM