We're currently in the second week of the Spring semester and I'm already going insane. My schedule is out of control. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I have almost 14 hour days. Ouch. It's friggin cold as hell outside and I walk to school and get numb all over. Ouch again.
My classes seem alright. I looooove my 3-D design class. My professor is great and I get to do all kinds of messy projects. I'll also get to use POWER TOOLS and do welding and other fun stuff. Drawing is a good class, too. I have never drawn before and I'm already learning some stuff. My professor for that class isn't much older than I. He kind of reminds me of Nickolas.
However... la clase de Espanol es MUY dificil! I'm terrible at foreign languages and I worry about keeping up. My English class seems pretty good, though the prof. intimidates me. I like the class because it forces me to write, which I both love and excel at. And then there's Teaching Public School Music where there the course pack alone fills a 3 inch binder. More work than you would ever think could go with a class like this. We also need to learn to sing in tune and play the recorder. I kid you not.
I really wish I had time to eat and breathe. This semester is SO much worse than last, time-wise. If I make it through without quitting my job, then I can make it through anything. I doubt I can make it through anything.
spacebot - 11:03 AM
Sunday, January 12, 2003
It has been a while since I updated. I have been extremely busy. Last weekend I went to Philly and mostly hung out with mom.
Rory J and I went to our favourite Ethiopian restaurant immediately after he picked me up at the airport. It tasted like it was midnight because it was.
And of course I saw Jon. We went to New Hope and then back to his parents' house for a bit. Looking through old photo albums can be fun. I'm so glad that I just won a shitload at the casino so I can maybe see him again soon. Maybe if I'm very, very lucky. <3
School starts tomorrow. My schedule is nuts. I shall learn and I shall enjoy it. That is my mantra.
I'll update again soon, as I haven't said all I needed to. Just no time right this minute.
spacebot - 6:03 PM