So, today I plan to finish putting together that extremely heavy 3 inch binder my music prof refers to as a "notebook", including writing the table of contents and forward. Then I will write up a page or two to distribute for next week's presentation and I will be done with homework, I mean homeFUN, for the semester.
I had my private drawing critique with the professor yesterday and he said that I exceeded his expectations and as far as what he considers to be a sucessful final portfolio, I have it. That felt good. :) But he also said that my drawings need more flow... that I tend to work geometrically, kinda like late Picasso. So that's something to work on. Especially with figures.
I'm going to miss Michael and Scott most (drawing and sculpture profs). I'll have Scott again in the Fall for the upper level sculpture class, but I may never run into Michael again, unless he calls me over the summer. I hope so. He's super rad.
So, I fell asleep on this ledge at school and when I woke up there was a beautiful caterpillar crawling on my belly. He had this amazing pattern and blue stripes so I carried him around with me for a while and took him to sculpture class. I thought he was the prettiest and most unique caterpillar EVER. Then I let him go by a tree. A few hours later I sat down on a ledge to do some homework and then I noticed 3 of the EXACT same types of caterpillars crawling on me! Then I looked around, and the entire campus was INFESTED with them! I ran into Michael and we were talking for a bit, and then I saw one crawling up his face! I told him about how I thought my caterpillar was special, but now I see that's not the case. He said that would be a good name for an emo band. "I thought my caterpillar was special."
I saw my sister and her bf, Dale, last night. We ate at Ramsi's and it was yummy. Also ran into James (one of John's best friends) who was working at the bar. Jennifer and Dale are awesome together. I'm so happy she got together with him.
spacebot - 9:42 AM
Monday, April 28, 2003
I can't believe this... I was up all night studying for my Spanish exam and when I got there, it was cancelled. The head of the language department forgot to put the exams in my professor's mailbox. So... I'm screwed. I have no chance to make up for my one bad exam. Grades will be averaged without the final. This is very unfair, as I was counting on it to bring up my scores. If I don't get a B in the class, I will be raising high holy hell.
On a happier note, Rory J and I discovered a new means of motivation. Competition. We had a race to see who could complete our homework first. Winner got a prize. Don't laugh... it totally worked! :)
In less than an hour I have to read 4 poems in a public reading called "Hear This". It's pretty dorky... all choreographed and whatnot. But whatever... I'm pretty sure I'll be getting an A in that class.
My sister is in town. I can't wait to see her! I think that John will be in town soon, as well.
spacebot - 10:16 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2003
Where is Jesse when I need him? I neeeeed to finish a shitload of work by tonight. Neeeeeeeeed motivation! MUST be done tonight, no excuses. Ugh!
I went out last night, which kept me from getting stuff done. It was awesome. Sean called and invited me out with him, Oscar and Eli. We went to a bar and then hung out a bit. I guess I do have a few friends. They aren't from here, either. Imports from Virginia, having moved to the Ville about the same time I did. Rock the fuck on.
Homemade PB&J is very delicious. Much better than those little "Uncrustables" things that the roommate buys.
"I speak better English than this villain Bush" (Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf)
spacebot - 2:31 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2003
I'm in one of my people-hating phases. But I love the Velvet Underground box set. Why do people suck? And why were the VU so good?
Sometimes I realize that I have either made very little effort to make friends here or what effort I have made, hasn't worked all too well. This is a very click-y city. I miss my Philly crew.
My upstairs neighbours sound like screaming monkeys.
spacebot - 11:21 PM
Here I am at the elementary school doing classroom observations. It's interesting. The KERA standards are impressively strict and the children are aware of how important it is to score well on their standardized tests. I have another class to attend in 3 minutes, so I'm heading off.
spacebot - 10:55 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
Wow. My ego was shot down like a cracker in the ghetto. I asked that boy what he was doing after class, and he replied, "I think I'm going over to my GIRLFRIEND'S house, then I don't know, and then later on is band practice."
I mean, come the fuck on... we hung out for HOURS and had a lot of fun... and not ONE mention of the gf. Then he sat next to me during the crit today. Then I ask him what he's up to and he had to diss me in such a rude and OBVIOUS manner? My friend Marianne told me that he's pretentious and lame.
Just when I thought that Louisville had hope...
Well, anyway, I took Marianne out to dinner instead and we had good food over at Vietnam Kitchen. Spicy mock duck and string beans and then some tofu and vegetables and these yummy avacado spring rolls.
His loss, right?
spacebot - 10:00 PM
Welp, the semester is almost over. Tonight is my last drawing class, and Monday is the public poetry reading as well as my last Spanish exam and final drawing crit. Wednesday we inflate our inflatable art. Then one more music class and... poof! No more Spring semester.
My self-portrait doesn't look enough like me, but it's close enough, according to others. I worked on it too long. Michael said that it makes me look like the girl from Ghost World.
I'm going to ask that boy I like to hang out again. Tonight is the last class I'll see him in, so I'd better be smooooooth about it. Wish me luck.
spacebot - 4:42 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Holy christ on a stick! I just hung out with the most gorgeous and interesting young man in all of Louisville. After having class with him all semester I finally got the guts to ask him to hang out. I can't friggin' believe he spent 2 and a half hours conversing with me. I so hope he calls. I'm in total shock. Good goddamn... all we did was talk, and I think I need a cold shower.
Why am I such a 12 year old sometimes?
spacebot - 12:36 AM
Monday, April 14, 2003
Thank heavens my dad is a sock man... if it wasn't for him, I may not have an ankle! Welded right through my sock. Ouchie! My project is looking spiffy, though.
Almost time for my drawing class where I get to draw my friend Josh nekkid. We're not allowed to laugh and that will be hard.
Today is 7 years since Keith died. 7 years is supposed to erase bad luck or something. I'm expecting good things to come out of today even though it's already 5pm. We shall see.
spacebot - 5:18 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2003
It has been a long time since I have posted in here. Again. Sorry! Well, I went to Philly for Spring Break and had a great time hanging out with my old buddies Beth and the gang. Also saw Carey and Summer and Rory J, food partner. Pete Gavin and I had a lot of making out to do and that was taken care of in a timely manner. I also got new glasses. I don't know if they're as attractive as my old ones, but I like them.
The Spring semester is almost over. Only a few weeks left! I'm so crushing on my drawing professor, Michael. He gave me a ride home from class last night and I was practically tripping over my own feet. He isn't even gorgeous or anything... just really smart. The way I like 'em. And I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend because he's so damn cool, but I'm still allowed to crush like a schoolgirl because that's what I am.
So much work to do. But as Jesse, the wisest man I know once said, "always remember Heather, there is nothing worse than being mediocre."
spacebot - 12:51 PM